Trade name


Presentation and Preparation

Vial size
(powder volume)
Fluid to add
Volume to add
Resulting concentration
200 mg Water for injections 5 mL 40 mg/mL

Shake gently to dissolve.

Reconstituted solution should be clear and free of visible particulate.

Reconstituted vial is stable for 1 hour at room temperature. Discard any unused vial contents. 

200 mg isavuconazole is equivalent to 372 mg isavuconazonium sulfate.

IV administration

Do not administer the reconstituted solution without further dilution.

Reconstituted solution must be further diluted prior to administration

Dilute reconstituted solution to 0.8 mg/mL and administer via a 0.2 to 1.2 micron low protein binding in-line filter over at least 1 hour.

After dilution, gently mix the solution to minimize the formation of particulates. Do not shake. Translucent to white particulates that do not sediment may be seen. These will be removed by the in-line filter.

Other routes of administration

IM: Not recommended.

SC: Not recommended.

Compatible IV fluids

Glucose 5% (6 hours only)

Sodium Chloride 0.9% (6 hours only)

Y-site only:

Potassium chloride 20 mmol/L (2 hours only)

Additional information

Administration may cause significant hypotension, dyspnoea, dizziness, paraesthesia, The infusion should be stopped if these reactions occur.

QT shortening: Known to shorten the QT interval. Use with caution in patients on medications known to shorten the QT interval such as rufinamide.

Administer via a dedicated line. Flush line well with a compatible fluid before and after administration.

Refrigerate, do not freeze.